29 research outputs found

    Hypovitaminosis D in patients undergoing kidney transplant: the importance of sunlight exposure

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    OBJECTIVES: Recent studies have shown a high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D, defined as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level less than 30 ng/ml, in both healthy populations and patients with chronic kidney disease. Patients undergoing kidney transplant are at an increased risk of skin cancer and are advised to avoid sunlight exposure. Therefore, these patients might share two major risk factors for hypovitaminosis D: chronic kidney disease and low sunlight exposure. This paper describes the prevalence and clinical characteristics of hypovitaminosis D among patients undergoing kidney transplant. METHODS: We evaluated 25-hydroxyvitamin D serum levels in a representative sample of patients undergoing kidney transplant. We sought to determine the prevalence of hypovitaminosis D, compare these patients with a control group, and identify factors associated with hypovitaminosis D (e.g., sunlight exposure and dietary habits). RESULTS: Hypovitaminosis D was found in 79% of patients undergoing kidney transplant, and the major associated factor was low sunlight exposure. These patients had higher creatinine and intact parathyroid hormone serum levels, with 25-hydroxyvitamin D being inversely correlated with intact parathyroid hormone serum levels. Compared with the control group, patients undergoing kidney transplant presented a higher prevalence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency and lower serum calcium, phosphate and albumin but higher creatinine and intact parathyroid hormone levels. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed the high prevalence of hypovitaminosis D in patients undergoing kidney transplant. Therapeutic strategies such as moderate sunlight exposure and vitamin D supplementation should be seriously considered for this population

    Tergal and pleural structures contribute to the formation of ectopic prothoracic wings in cockroaches

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    Wings were a fundamental morphological innovation for the adaptive radiation of insects, the most diversified group among all animals. Pterygote insects have two pairs of wings, the mesothoracic (T2) forewings and the metathoracic (T3) hindwings, whereas the prothorax (T1) is wingless. Using RNA interference approaches, we have found that the gene Sex combs reduced (Scr) determines the wingless identity of T1 in the cockroach Blattella germanica. Interference of Scr triggers the formation of ectopic wing structures in T1, which are formed from the expansion of the latero-posterior region of the pronotum, along with a contribution of the epimeron, a pleurite of T1. These data support the theory of a dual origin for insect wings, from pronotal (tergal origin theory) and pleural (pleural origin theory) structures and genes.Support for this research was provided to X.B. by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (grant no. CGL2008-03517/BOS) and Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant CGL2012-36251 and CGL2015-64727- P, including FEDER funds) and by the Catalan Government, AGAUR (2014 SGR 619). M.E.N. was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP 2012/15397-0).Peer reviewe

    Morphogenesis of integument in Apis mellifera: building the adult exoskeleton

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    O exoesqueleto (ou cutícula) é um dos responsáveis pelo sucesso evolutivo dos insetos, não só pela proteção e suporte que lhes confere, mas também pela interface que representa entre o animal e o meio ambiente. A construção do exoesqueleto do inseto adulto envolve um processo de diferenciação denominado tanning, caracterizado pela melanização e pela esclerotização. Às enzimas lacases classicamente tem sido atribuído um papel fundamental no tanning cuticular, em particular na esclerotização. O presente trabalho consiste no estudo da função e regulação do gene Amlac 2 codificador da Lacase 2 de Apis mellifera, no âmbito da relação entre a expressão deste gene e a morfogênese do tegumento (cutícula e epiderme) do adulto. Através de RT-PCR semi-quantitativa, a abundância de transcritos foi contrastada entre diferentes estágios da ontogênese e entre distintas regiões do corpo (tórax, asas e abdome). A transcrição se acentua logo após a apólise pupal-imaginal, e se mantém alta durante todo o desenvolvimento do adulto farato. Embora haja um padrão de expressão comum entre as três regiões do corpo estudadas, nota-se um relativo atraso do início da transcrição desse gene no tegumento abdominal. Este resultado é consistente com o menor grau de esclerotização da cutícula do abdome em comparação com a do tórax e das asas. Uma análise comparativa entre abelhas operárias, zangões e rainhas revelou ainda padrões casta e sexo-específicos de diferenciação do tegumento adulto. Experimentos de silenciamento gênico pós-transcricional resultaram no comprometimento da melanização e da esclerotização cuticulares e não conclusão do ciclo de muda, efeitos que influenciaram drasticamente a viabilidade dos adultos. Análises histológicas do tegumento de abelhas submetidas ao silenciamento de Amlac 2 revelaram ainda má formação da cutícula, com alterações principalmente em sua espessura e arquitetura. Tais resultados evidenciam uma importante contribuição da enzima Lacase 2 na diferenciação do exoesqueleto adulto de Apis mellifera, fenômeno esse fundamental na ontogênese plena da abelha. Experimentos de ligadura abdominal em pupas iniciais, procedimento que impede o fluxo de hormônios ecdisteróides provenientes das glândulas protorácicas para o abdome, resultaram em inibição do aumento do título de ecdisteróides, repressão temporária da transcrição do gene Amlac 2 e bloqueio do processo de diferenciação cuticular. Tais efeitos sugerem fortemente que esses hormônios controlam a expressão do gene Amlac 2, por sua vez envolvido no processo de maturação da cutícula. Ainda, a detecção inesperada de quantidades crescentes de ecdisteróides no abdome de pupas, após o terceiro dia de ligadura, nos levou a propor um novo modelo endócrino para o desenvolvimento do adulto de Apis mellifera.The evolutionary success of the insects is to a large extent due to the structural and mechanical properties of the integument, which is made up of an outer cuticle layer and the subjacent epidermis. As an effective interface between the insect soft body and the environment, the integument performs all the functions of a skin and of an exoskeleton. It not only supports the insect, but gives it its shape, means of locomotion, and provides protection against desiccation, besides being involved in defense strategies towards predators and pathogenic agents. Building and maturation of the adult exoskeleton include complex biochemical pathways where the enzymes Laccases (E.C. may have a key role. Laccases have been characterized mainly in fungi and bacteria. In insects, the function of these enzymes has been linked to cuticle tanning (pigmentation and sclerotization) and stabilization of the protein-based exoskeleton. It was our aim to identify and investigate the function and regulation of the gene, Amlac 2, which encodes the enzyme Laccase 2 in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses evidenced that Amlac 2 is highly expressed in the integument of pharate adults in correlation with cuticle pigmentation and sclerotization. Transcription increases in thoracic, abdominal and wing integuments immediately after pupal-imaginal apolysis, and remains abundant all through pharate adult development. Consistent with the different degree of sclerotization in cuticle areas recovering distinct body parts, the increase in the levels of Amlac2 transcripts occurs later in abdominal than in thoracic and wing integuments. A comparative approach using honeybee workers, queens and drones also revealed caste and sex-specific patterns of adult integument differentiation. Post-transcriptional Amlac2 gene silencing resulted in abnormalities in cuticle structure, melanization and sclerotization, as revealed by histological analyses, and drastically affected the adult molt. Such results clearly indicate a critical role of Laccase 2 in the differentiation of the adult exoskeleton in the honeybee. Experiments using a ligature to prevent the increase in ecdysteroid titer in abdomen resulted in inhibition of Amlac 2 transcription and severely impaired cuticular differentiation. These results strongly indicate that Amlac 2 expression is controlled by ecdysteroids, and has a crucial role in the differentiation and maturation of the adult cuticle. Moreover, a radioimmunoassay using hemolymph from ligated abdomens suggested the existence of an alternative source of ecdysteroids, in addition to prothoracic glands, thus leading us to propose a new endocrine model for differentiation of the adult honeybee

    Depletion of Sex combs reduced triggers pro-wing formation in the prothorax of Blattella germanica (Dictyoptera, Blattellidae)

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    Póster presentado en el 17th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology (ICCE 2013), celebrado en Barcelona del 15 al 19 de julio de 2013.N

    Determination of wing identity in Blattella germanica (Dictyoptera, Blattellidae)

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    Trabajo presentado en la 4th Meeting of the Spanish Society of the Evolutionary Biology (SESBE 2013) celebrada en Barcelona del 27 al 29 de noviembre de 2013.N

    Changes in integument structure during the imaginal molt of the honey bee

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    The changing pattern of developing cuticle and associated epidermis is described during the imaginal molt in the honey bee. Observations began immediately after the pupal molt, and included histological analyses of the integument during apolysis and the subsequent deposition and differentiation of the adult cuticle. Apolysis coincides with a marked increase in the thickness and reorganization of the epidermal layer, reflecting changes in cell structure. The epidermis remains thickened during the period of cuticle deposition, suggesting intense biosynthetic activity, but turns into a very thin layer during cuticle differentiation, clearly indicating that secretory activity for cuticle formation is terminating. The thoracic cuticle differentiates earlier and becomes thicker than the abdominal. The observed changes in integument structure provide insights that permit an improved physiological characterization for staging pupal and pharate adult development

    Flight or protection: the genes Ultrabithorax and apterous in the determination of membranous and sclerotized wings in insects

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    Present-day pterygote insects have two pairs of wings, one in the mesothorax (T2), the other in the metathorax (T3), and both have diverged in structure and function in different groups. Studies in endopterygote and paraneopteran species have shown that the gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) specifies the identity and wing structure in T3, whereas the gene apterous (ap) significantly contributes to forming modified T2 wings. We wondered whether these Ubx and ap mechanisms operate in the lineage of polyneopterans. To explore this possibility, we used the cockroach Blattella germanica (Polyneoptera and Blattodea), in which the T2 wings are sclerotized (tegmina), whereas those of the T3 are membranous. We found that Ubx determines the structure of T3 and the membranous wing, while ap significantly contributes to form the sclerotized T2 tegmina. These results along with the studies carried out on the beetle Tribolium castaneum by Tomoyasu and collaborators suggest that ap plays an important role in the sclerotization and melanization of the T2 wings in neopteran groups that have sclerotized forewings. In turn, the sclerotizing properties of ap demonstrated in beetles and cockroaches suggest that the origin of this function goes back to the emergence of Neoptera, in the mid Devonian.The work was supported by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación (grant nos. PID2019-104483GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; CGL2015-64727-P and CGL2012-36251), the Catalan Government (grant no. 2017 SGR 1030), and European Fund for Economic and Regional Development (FEDER funds). M.E.-N. was awarded with a post-doctoral fellowship by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (grant no. FAPESP 2012/15397-0) to work in Xavier Belles laboratory in Barcelona

    Table S1;Table S2;Fig. S1 from Flight or protection: the genes Ultrabithorax and apterous in the determination of membranous and sclerotized wings in insects

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    Primers used to measure transcript levels by qPCR in Blattella germanica tissues and to prepare the dsRNA for RNAi experiments.;Summary of the experiments carried out to study the effects of RNAi targeting Ultrabithorax (Ubx) or apterous-A (ap-A) and apterous-B (ap-B) on wing development in Blattella germanica.;Alignment of the homeodomain of Apterous proteins.Peer reviewe